Saturday, October 29, 2011

Snooty shoppers

When I shopped at Kroger this week, a lady and I stopped to talk about healthy cookies as we both looked for our favorites. She recommened some new style Fig Newtons that have somehow been flattened. I grew up on the old fashioned Newton in a time where choices were limited.
When I shopped at Central Market with my daughter, she made a comment about the other shoppers being snooty. Of course, I had to run the test. I'm not sure what is happening to me, but I enjoy this kind of thing. Sure enough, I couldn't get one person to even smile except for the friendly people that worked there.
Another observation was the number of older (than me) people working there, especially in a cleaning up after others capacity. I had to wonder if they were working because they want to or because they have to.
I wonder if human behavior can be the basis for a science project. It might be more interesting than dropping liquids on paper towels.
How does shopping in a foo foo store wearing foo foo clothes quality a person to be foo foo?
Just a thought

Friday, October 28, 2011

Letting things go

I think I must be mostly turtle. Hanging on comes naturally for me.
My grandson asked a cousin who owns a snake what it eats. When she answered rats, he asked why she fed a pet to a pet. She reponded that rats stink and snakes don't. I think my grandson is still thinking about this one.
Back to the turtle. I am finding that I am having trouble letting go of things. Why is it that we can't be at the moment what we wish we had been years later?
Just a thought

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A little too much advertising

My seven year old grandson recently asked me in all seriousness, "B, do you prefer State Farm or Geicko?" His sincerity made me think for a while before I responded because I knew I would have to justify my decision.
I am being pounded daily by so much information. Some of it I seek, but a lot comes hurling at me unsolicited. I think my brain has taken in about all that it can. Things have started rattling around in there!
Today I took my husband out for lunch. This is not an easy task since he needs a walker and falls easily. While we were there, a little girl misbehaved badly and refused to do anything her mom and grandmom asked her to do. She was rewarded with a piece of candy as she was leaving. Win! Win! We were all happy. Then as we are finishing our meal, our server ran the vacuum. I'm surprised we weren't asked to lift our feet. Funny thing is I didn't even notice until my husband asked me who was vacuuming since the guy was behind him. That's what I mean by brain overload. In the past I would have been offended by the clean up. Now I just go with the flow.