Saturday, September 17, 2011

Gym memberships

I joined 24 hour fitness or for me it might be 24 hour unfittness since I never go. Today I put on my workout clothes and am planning to take advantage of that $27.50 that comes out of my debit card once a month.
Perhaps there should be a party bus that is included in the membership. It shows up at your house and forces your fanny into the bus to go for a workout. There could be hand weights on the bus as a warmup activity.
Just a thought.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why cheat on silly games?

I love to play word games on my iphone. It is relaxing and challenging at the same time. Our brains need exercise. What I don't understand is the cheaters. What is the purpose of the game if you win by cheating?
Personally, I really don't care if I win or not. However, I don't like to lose every single time! I think that two versions of aps need to be created. One is for those who don't want to cheat and the other is for cheaters.
Just a thought.